Michael Paolucci
Michael started playing the guitar round about the dawn of time and is pretty sure he’ll figure out what to do with all those strings and things soon. His time at Berklee proved to him that he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. After running around the country in various bands, he realized that he truly disliked shiftless musicians and took a 10 year hiatus during which time he decided to explore the physical side of life. Devoting all free time to martial arts, whitewater kayaking, rock and ice climbing provided a new perspective on things and brought the realization that playing music was far less painful than his current pursuits. Ergo, after being introduced to the wondrous playing and tone of Robben Ford, the muse ascended again and he has been singularly obsessed with all things music and guitar related, squandering a small fortune on the endless search for TONE. That search is currently over having discovered the wondrous guitars of Johan Gustavsson and magical amplifiers from RedPlate.
Some unquestionably good karma brought him into circles which resulted in his meeting Tim (now THAT’s a funny story for another time) which led to Chad, Darren and Elle. He considers himself extremely fortunate to be collaborating which such a magnificently talented amalgamation and is really looking forward to creating and playing some kick-ass New England Country Music.